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Sunday, March 3, 2024

List Ways in Which AI is Used In Testing

I have now been through 3 out of 30 days of AI in Testing by Ministry of Testing. I was awarded my fifth Anniversary Badge, meaning that I have not shown up in that community for a while. 

The first day was introduction. Second day was to read an introductory article. Third day asked to list ways AI is used in testing. As with blogging, I filled the paper and wanted to leave the notes from personal experience behind as a blog post. 

Practical applications, personal reflection rather than research:

Explaining code. Especially on particularly tired day while being aware that I cannot share secrets, I like to ask chatGPT to explain to me what changes with code in some pull request so that I would understand what to test. Answers vary from useful to hilarious, and overly extensive.

Test ideas for a feature. Whenever I have completed an analysis of a feature to brainstorm my ideas, I tend to ask how chatGPT would recommend me to test it. Works nicely on domain concepts that are not this company only, and I have a lot of that with standards and weather phenomena.

Manipulating statistics. I seem to be bad at remembering excel formulas, but I use a lot of cross-referencing test generated results in excels. ChatGPT has been most helpful in formulas to manipulate masses of data in excel.

Generating input/output data. Especially with Co-pilot, I get data values for parameterized tests. Same test, multiple inputs and outputs generated. More effort into reviewing if I like them and find them useful.

Generating (manual) test cases. I have seen multiple tools do this, and I hate hate hate it. I always turn off steps from test cases and write down only core insights I would want the future me to remember in 3 months.

Generating programmatic tests. Copilot does well on these on unit testing level, but I am not sure I would want all that stuff available. Sometimes helps in capturing intent. But I prefer approvals of inputs and outputs over handcrafted scripts anyway for unit level exploratory testing.

Generating tests based on models. Has nothing to do with AI, but is a pre-AI practice of avoiding writing scripts and working with more maintainable state-based models. Love this, especially for long running reliability testing.

Generating database full of test data. Liked tools of this. I think they are not AI though, even though they often claim they are. The problem of having realistic pattern but not real people’s data is a thing.

Refactoring test code. Works fine at least for robot framework and python tests as long as we first open the code we want to move things from. Trust things to be pre-aware and suffer the duplication. We’ve been measuring this a bit, and copilot seems to encourage duplication for us.

Wrote down few, will revisit when time is right.