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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pull, don't push

What if you could start with the end in mind? You could be aware of all the good things you have now, imagine something better and focus on finding a step to that direction. This way of thinking, a step by step, pulling value out is what drives the way I think around software development.

Starting with the end in mind and pulling work to get all the way to the users, it is evident that nothing changes for the users unless we deliver a change. All the plans are pushing ideas forward, pushing does not have the same power as pulling. A concrete example of how something could be different is a powerful driver to making it different.

I'm thinking of pull scheduling today, and I reviewed yet-another-product-realization-process draft that seems to miss the mark of idea of power and importance of pull.

Pull helps us focus on doing just the work now that we need in delivering that piece of value.
Pull makes us focus on learning on what is worthwhile so that we don't get pulled on random things.
Pull enables collaboration so that we together make work flow.
Pull centers the smart thinking individuals who pull what they need to create the value upstream is defining.

When we know we need an improved user interface, pull helps us realize that we should get the pieces together for delivery, not for a plan.

Plans push things through. Planning is always there when work is driven by pull, plan is the continuously improving output.

Who is pulling your work?