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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bias for action

'Bias for Action'. That's a phrase I picked up ages ago, yet one that has been keenly on my mind for some time now.

It means (to me) that if I can choose planning and speculating vs. doing something, I should rather be doing something. It's in the work we do that we discover the work that needs doing.

There are things I feel need doing, and I notice myself trying to convince others in doing those over being alone in doing those. I notice being afraid of going in and starting the restructure of our test automation to a shape that would make more sense.

Without bias for action, I procrastinate. I plan. I try to figure out a way of communicating. I don't get anything done.

With bias for action, I make mistakes and learn. I make myself more vulnerable and work with my fears of inadequacy.

It's been such an important thing to remember: things don't change without changing them. And I can be a person to change things I feel strongly for.