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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

We all do better when we all do better

To take a step back to defocus from a complex and intensive testing task I need to criticize myself on, I'll blog about something old. Something that has stuck with me all these years, and that has amplified over the decade I've known it.

The Finnish Testing Community Scene, when we started bringing it together 10+ years ago, coined in many ways to one great man taking initiative: Erkki Pöyhönen. Eki is still around for testing, very much so, but nowadays so much hands-in-dirt in the projects that I get to see a little less of him. Eki is an extraordinary person, a connector of people, and I've learned a lot from him and with him.

The grand wisdom that made me exclaim how much I appreciate him, is that a long time ago, he told me (one of his) philosophy: Promoting others promotes you.

At the time, that was an important lesson for me to learn. As an individual contributor, I was working hard on the idea that I need to make something out of myself, working on my brain, my knowledge, my skills and abilities. And everything I did, Eki would notice, mention and speak about, showing appreciation, promoting. I loved him for what he did, and so did everyone else. He finds the good stuff, everywhere.

We all do better when we all do better. Today is a good day to remember to appreciate all the great stuff that happens without pointing to all the not so great stuff. Eki's advice did not sink in for me in one go, but was a long process of personal experimentation with the idea, seeing the comparative results.

Thank you Eki for making me a little bit better person (for myself). And happy names day.