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Monday, November 26, 2012

When Bugs Have Positive Business Value

There's a theory I'm working on analyzing in my current project. For customer value experience in total, it may be good to not find bugs but let customers find them for us.

As anyone reading my posting should know, I'm a tester. I believe in finding and fixing relevant problems before release. I believe we shouldn't steal the user's time with the annoyances and unworking features, when they actually buy the software to do something with it they should actually  get to do what they expect.

My current project is making me question my beliefs.

First of all, if we don't put so much effort into testing, we are able to produce more in quantities. The quality that we produce isn't great, it doesn't live up to my expectations and perhaps not other people's expectations. But it isn't that bad either. You can usually do things with the software. It doesn't stop you right at the footstep, without letting you see in. There's scenarios that fail, but often there are also optional scenarios to the same thing that don't fail.

Second, when customers find bugs and report them to us, we are quick to fix them. This is the core of my theory: there's actually a lot of value for the customer-relationship on these little shared successes. Customer finds an issue, annoying enough that they call us. We take it seriously, and fix it quickly. Customer, comparing this experience with some others where the issue is logged and it may come some time in some hotfix delivered in 6 months, gets really happy with the fix delivery. And as end result, the customer relationship is stronger, and it may even be that the second call back to the customer telling the fix is available includes also expanding the use of features for another project / feature area - sales happening.  

So far I've realized this approach is vulnerable, and it's really still only a play in my mind:
  • If we get too many fixes in short timeframe, we wouldn't be able to keep up with the quick deliveries of fixes - but our quality, as limited as it may be, has not gone to this level yet.
  • If the customer profile changes so that they'd end up contacting us on different issues on the same days, this would also ruin our ability to react quickly.
  • If the software delivery mechanisms changes so that the servers are not quick-and-easy to update, that again would destroy it.
  • If the development team members change, it will eat away the quickness of fixing, as there's more analysis and learning to be done to do a successful fix.
I'm thinking right now, that the work I do as the teams's tester, might actually currently decrease the value for the customer. While features may work better, they may work better in ways the users did not find relevant. At least the testing I (and the team) do means that we deliver less features with the same amount of effort.

The bigger value in quality is about the work that the team must do. It's not much fun to actually fix issues come in later, having forgotten about the details of implementation by that time. It's not fun that you can't make (and stick) to a plan for more than half-a-week, because you always need to be alert to implement the quick fixes. The bug-time is away from implementing new features.

Quite an equation we have here. After this quick note of it, I need to actually spend time breaking it down to something I can investigate for this particular context.