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Friday, November 18, 2022

1-2-3 model to test coverage

This afternoon I jumped on a call with a colleague from the community at large. This one had sent me a LinkedIn message asking to talk about test coverage, and our previous correspondence was limited. And like I sometimes do, I said yes to a discussion. After the call, I am grateful. For realizing there is a 1-2-3 model of how I explain test coverage, but also for the conversation channel that helps me steer to understanding, starting from where ever whoever is. 

The 1-2-3 model suggests there is one true measure of test coverage. Since that is unattainable, we have two we commonly use as starting point. And since the two are so bad, we need to remember three more to be able to explain further to people who may not understand the dimensions of testing. 

The One

There is really one true measure of coverage, and it is that of risk/results coverage. Imagine a list of all relevant and currently true information about the product that we should have a conversation on listed on a paper - that is what you are seeking to cover. The trouble is, the paper when given to you is empty. There is no good way of creating a listing of all the relevant risks and results. But we should be having conversation on this coverage, here is how. 

If you are lucky and work in a team where developers truly test and care for quality, the level of coverage in this perspective is around the middle line in the illustration below. That is a level of quality information produced by a Good Team (tm). The measure determining if we indeed are with a Good Team (tm) is sending someone Really Good at testing after them. That Really Good could be a tester, but I find that most testers find themselves out of jobs with good teams - the challenge level is that much higher. Or that Really Good could be all your users combined over time, with an unfortunate delay in feedback and higher risk of the feedback being lost in translation. 

I call the difference between the output for a Good Team (tm) and the quality where our stakeholders are really happy, even delighted the primary Results Gap. There are plenty of organizations who are not seeking to do anything with this results gap themselves but leave it to their users. That is possible, since the nature of the problems people find within the primary results gap is a surprise. 

I recognise if I am working with a team in this space by being surprised with problems. Sometimes I even exclaim: "this bug is so interesting that no one could have created this on purpose!". Consider yourself lucky if you get to work with a team like this that remains this way over time. After all, location on this map is dynamic with regards to consistently doing a good work across different kinds of changes. 

There is a secondary Results Gap too. Sometimes the level to which teams of developers get to is Less than Good Team's Output. We usually see this level with organizations where managers hire testers to do testing, even when they place the tester in the same team. Testing is too important to be left just for testers, and should be shared variably between different team members. Sometimes working as tester in these teams feels like your job is to point out that there are pizza boxes in the middle of the living room floor and remind that we should pick them up. Personally when I recognise the secondary results gap, I find the best solution is to take away the tester, reorganize quality responsibilities on the remaining developers. The job of a tester in a team like this is move the team to the primary results gap, not deal with the pizza boxes except for temporarily as protection of the reputation of the organization. 

A long explanation on the one true measure of coverage - risks/results. Everything else is an approximation subject to this. It helps to understand if we are operating with a team on the secondary results gap or with a team on the primary results gap, and the lower we start, the less likely we are ever to get to address all of the gap. 

The Two

The two measures of coverage we commonly use and thus everyone needs to understand are code coverage and requirements/spec coverage. These are both test coverage, but very different by their nature. 

Code coverage can only give us information of what is in the code and whether the tests we have touch it. If we have functionality we promised to implement, that users expect to be included but we are missing out on, that perspective will not emerge with code coverage. Code coverage focuses on the chances of seeing what is there. 

Cem Kaner has an older article of 101 different criteria in the space of code coverage, so let's remember it is not one thing. There are many ways we can look at the code and discuss having seen it in action. Touching each line is one, taking every direction at every crossroad is one, and paying attention to the complex criteria of the crossroads is one. Tools are only capable of the simpler ways of assessing code coverage. 

Seeing a high percentage does not mean "well tested". It means "well touched". Whether we looked at the right things, and verified the right details is another question. Driving up code coverage does not usually mean good testing. Whereas being code coverage aware, not wanting code coverage to go down from where it has been even when adding new functionality, and taking time for thoughtful testing based on code coverage seem to support good teams in being good. 

Requirement/spec coverage is about covering claims in authoritative documents. Sometimes requirements need to be rewritten as claims, sometimes we go about spending time with each claim we find, and sometimes we diligently link each requirement to one or more tests, but some form of this tends to exist. 

With requirements/spec coverage, we need to be aware that there are things the spec won't say and we still need to test for. We can never believe any material alone is authoritative, testing is about also discovering omissions. Omissions can be code that spec promises, or details spec fails at promising but users and customers would consider particularly problematic. 

Having one test for a claim is rarely sufficient. There is no set number of tests we need for each claim. So I prefer thinking in none / one / enough. Enough is about risk/results. And it changes from project to project, and requires us to be aware of what we are testing to do a good job testing. 

The Three

By this time, you may be a little exasperated with the One and the Two, and there is still the Three. These three are dimensions of coverage I find I need to explain again and again to help address the risks. 

Environment coverage starts with the idea that users environments are different and testing in one may not represent them all. We could talk for hours on what makes environments essentially different, but for purposes of coverage, take my word for it: sometimes they are and sometimes they are not essentially different. So for the 10 functionalities to cover with tests with one test for each functionality, if we have three environments, we could have 30 tests to run. 

Easy example is browsers. Firefox on Linux is separate from Firefox on Mac and Firefox on Windows. Safari on Mac or Edge on Windows is only available there. Chrome is available on Mac, Windows and Linux. That small listing alone gives us 8 environments. The amount of testing - should we want to do it regularly - could easily explode. We may address this with various strategies from having different people on different environments, changing environments on a round-robin fashion to cross-browser automation. Whether we care to depends on risks, and risks depends on the nature of the thing we are building. 

Data coverage starts with the idea that each functionality processing data is covered with one data, but that may be far from sufficient. Like with embedded devices over the last three years, I find it surprising how often covering such simple thing as positive and negative temperature is necessary with the registry manipulation technologies. For this coverage, we would heavily rely on sampling, and it is part of every requirement test making it flexible to consider what percentage we are getting. Well, at least enough to note that percentages are generally useless measures in space of coverage.

Parafunctional coverage would be reminding on other dimensions that positive outputs. Security would be to have functionality that does something that can be used in wrong hands for bad. Performance would be considerations of fast and resource effective, particularly now in era of green code considerations. Reliability would be to run same things over longer period of time. And so on. 

Plus One

Today's call concluded with us then discussing automation coverage. Usually what we end up putting in our automation is a subset of all the things we do, a subset we want to keep on repeating. Great automation isn't created from listing test cases and implementing them, for good automation we tend to decompose the feedback needed differently where sum of the whole is similar. 

Automation coverage is ratio of what we have automated to something we care for. Some people care for documented test cases but I don't. If and when I care about this, I talk about automation coverage in terms of plans of growing it, and I avoid the conversation a lot. 

In one project we did test automation coverage by assigning zero, one, enough values for requirements by tagging all automation with requirements identifiers. A lot of work, some good communications included on planning for what more we need (first), but the percentage was very much the same as I could estimate off cuff. 

You may not have the half an hour it took for us to discuss 1-2-3 on the call, but knowing how to ground conversations of coverage is invaluable skill. If you spend time with testing, you are likely to get as many chances of practicing this conversation that I have by now. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Why Have You Not Added More Test Automation?

We sat down at a weekly meeting, looking at two graphs created to illustrate the progress with system level  test automation. Given the idea that we want to run some tests in the end-user like environment, and end-user like composition, installing the software like end-users would, the pictures illustrated an idea of how much work there is to a first milestone we had set for ourselves. 

The first picture showed a plan of how things could be added incrementally, normalised with story points (a practice I very much recommend against) and spread over time in what had seemed like a realistic plan of many months. In addition to the linear projection, it showed progress achieved, and slope projected for what was reality was showing we were dragging behind. 

The second picture showed a plan of use of time on test automation. Or more precisely, only visualized time used, there was no fixed plan which was a problem in itself. But you could see that in addition to having fairly little time for the test automation work in general, the fluctuation in focus time was significant. 

It was not hard to explain the relation of the two. No time to do means no progress on the work. Or so I thought. Why were we then again answering the age-old question:

Why have you not added more test automation? 

The test automation effort was taking place within a team that had a fixed number of people and multiple conflicting priorities. 

  • They were expected to address a bug backlog (by fixing) so that there would numbers of bugs were down from hundreds to tens. This would be a significant effort of testing to confirm - development to fix - testing to search for side effects. For every fix, the testers had two tasks for one of the developer. 
  • They were expected to make multiple releases from branches the team did not continuously develop on. This would be a significant effort to verify right fixes and no side effects from two baselines that differed from what they would use when testing the changes. 
  • They were expected to learn a new system and document everything they learned so that when they would be moved to new team at latest one year from joining, the software factory they were working on could run forward with them gone.
  • With the fixed budget and requests to spend time on concept work of a new feature, they were expected to get by with two people where there previously had been three. Starting something new was deemed important. 
We were asking the wrong question. We should have been asking why we under-allocated something we thought we need to take forward, and still thought there would be progress. Why did we not understand the basic premise of how adding more work makes things more late? Why did we not understand that while ideas are cheap and we can juggle many at a time, turning those ideas to reality is a pipe of learning and doing that just won't happen without investing the time? 

While I routinely explain these things, I can't help to wonder the epidemic in management with thinking asking something, or rather requiring something, can be done without considering the frame in which there are chances of success with time available to do the work. 

If you ask the same people to do *everything else* and this one drops, how can you even imagine asking anyone but your own mirror image the reasons of why your choices produce these results?